Make the Bread, Buy the Butter, and Keep the Goat on the Farm

So, you know how I always have to have something going on. Some project in the works. This brain just ticks away ALL THE TIME.

I recently read this book:

Written by the charming and engaging Jennifer Reese, also author of the blog: The Tipsy Baker.

Let the madness begin!

Making my own food, as long as it is practical and financially savvy, appeals to me. Jennifer's advice in the book just makes sense. If something is relatively hassle free, is a cheaper choice than store bought, AND has no mysterious ingredients or preservatives, then why WOULDN'T you make some of your own foods?

Jennifer, thankfully, spent the time already to research cost and time when comparing home-made to store-bought.

I happen to enjoy time in the kitchen. Before I started trying some of the foods in the book, I told myself:

"If this ends up pissing me off, I won't do it."

I'm not a zealot after all.

But, it has been easy for me, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it!

Here is what I'm making now from scratch:

Bread crumbs
Chicken Stock
Peanut Butter

Here's what I plan on making from scratch when we run out of our current staples or when we need them:

Tortillas/tortilla chips
Bagels/bagel chips

Here is where I draw the line:

Stocking my own eggs. From chickens.
Hamburger buns
Goat milk. From a goat.
Honey. Like from bees.

(You may rip the book out of my hands and take away my food processor if you see me coming home with chickens, goats, or bees.)