Today, I am participating in a Sunday Stealing meme. Perfect for a Sunday!
1. Song that always makes you sad?
Here's the last few lines of an Indigo Girls' song, Fly Away:
"Fly away little bird
The saddest song I ever heard
Was the one that I wrote you in my heart
That never made it to the world."
2. Last thing you bought?
Groceries. The never-ending chore.
3. Last person you argued with?
My three year old son. Have you argued with a three year old? Yeah, it's fun. You might as well just go bang your head against a wall for a while. You'll get more accomplished.
4. Do you put butter before putting the peanut butter on?
Absolutely not.
5. One of your stuffed animals’ names as a kid?
My Cabbage Patch kid's name was Patton.
6. Did you ever at one time own a Barenaked Ladies CD?
7. Favorite day of the week?
8. Favorite sundae topping?
Nuts! I love nuts. Ha!
9. Did you take piano lessons?
10. Most frequent song played?
In my life? Holy crap, I don't know! Some contenders may be Hotel California by the Eagles or Into the Mystic by Van Morrison. Currently, right now in my life? On my iPod, I most frequently play Lady Gaga's You and I. On my USB, I most frequently play Regina Spektor.
11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?
I love watching Real Housewives. Every week, it's like a social train wreck. And, it's no secret. Everyone knows I love to watch filthy, crappy TV.
12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey?
13. Date someone older or younger?
14. One place you could travel right now?
15. Do you use umbrellas?
No. Too much trouble. Just run.
16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?
"Oh, Canada!" That's all I know.
17. Favorite cheese?
I love all cheese! Particularly, cheddar, pepperjack, and gouda.
18. The Smith’s or The Cure?
The Cure
19. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?
What? This is not something I ponder.
20. Best job you ever had?
I'm pretty content with my job right now and have stayed there the longest than anywhere I've been. I am a school psychologist.
There! Fascinating, right? I'm so glad you know me better.
Blog Archive
- Teaser Tuesday
- Silly, Just Plain Silly
- Horror Story
- Make the Bread, Buy the Butter, and Keep the Goat ...
- Sunday Stealing Part 3, Drinky Poo Edition
- Stop Thinking so Much (for crying out loud)
- Sunday Stealing Part 2 ("Tell me more, did you get...
- Thank God for Wordless Wednesday
- Sunday Stealing
- Quilt Skillz
- Wordless Wednesday Winter
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